Our world is composed of many different races, nations, political affiliations, religious affiliations, and philosophical perspectives; but, despite our differences, we all share the transcendent desire to be healthy & happy and live in a healthy & happy world.
Wholistic Health & Happiness is possible!
A careful observation of the Universe reveals that:
1) All parts of space can be viewed as both an individual part of
a larger system as well as a collective system of smaller individual
parts. Ultimately, all of space is revealed to be one infinitely
large system made up of infinitely small parts.
APPLICATION: On a practical level, this naturally
suggests that an ideal guiding perspective is one that balances
the importance of the well-being of the individuals with the
importance of the well-being of the collectives.
2) All events of time can be viewed as both a result of an infinity of causes as well as a partial cause for an infinity of effects. Ultimately, all of time is revealed to be
one eternal chain of causes and effects.
APPLICATION: On a practical level, this naturally
suggests that an ideal guiding perspective is one that balances
the importance of appreciating present well-being with the
importance of nurturing future well-being.
Since, ultimately, we are most accurately understood as one infinite entity that is eternally bound to an infinite chain of causes and effects, we can most effectively and efficiently experience ever-greater well-being by spending our time, money, and all other resources in the following balanced way:
1) Appreciating one's own present well-being (see top left of image)
2) Helping others appreciate their present well-being (see bottom left of image)
3) Nurturing one's own future well-being (see top right of image)
4) Helping others nurture their future well-being (see bottom right of image)
This wisdom naturally provides an objective, scientific, spiritual, and universal system of ethics which suggests that an unbalanced (in the terms outlined above) expenditure of time, money, and all other resources that favors any of the above aspects of our infinite and eternal existence, especially at the expense of any of the others, is not preferred (aka "wrong"), as it is harmful (aka "evil"); while a balanced expenditure of time, money, and all other resources is preferred (aka "right"), as it is helpful (aka "good"). (Obviously, unrestrained greed leads to extreme imbalance.)
In other words, that which is "right" or "good" is that which leads to greater well-being, while that which is "wrong" or "evil" is that which leads to lesser well-being; but the critical key to accurate judgement is the recognition that, ultimately, we are one infinite and eternal entity and, therefore, our well-being is the natural result of successfully balancing our sense of priority between the dynamics of space(individual/self and collective/others) and time (now and future).
This simple, sensible, and powerful system of ethics is called "Wholistic Ethics".
Using this universal system of ethics as our moral compass, we can easily discern the difference between that which is helpful and that which is harmful to the well-being of our world as a whole and, ultimately, unite around sound judgements and plans of action regardless of our spiritual, political, national, or racial affiliations. Under these conditions, we can move swiftly to a thriving world.
The Theory of Wholistic Ethics was created sometime in the late 1990s by Soren Sorensen, Founder and Director of the Center for a Better World.
Additional note from the author (Soren Sorensen): Many people promote the idea that "good" and "evil" are merely polarized opposites that balance the whole (ultimately suggesting equal desirability); but, in my opinion, this widespread belief is extremely dangerous to our wholistic health and happiness. If you hold this belief, I strongly urge you to seriously consider the proposition that "good" is balance and that "evil" is imbalance. I think you will find this perspective to be very revealing!
THE CENTER FOR A BETTER WORLD Working Together for One and All
Copyright 2005-2022 The Center for a Better World
Working Together for One and All